Setting Expectations with Your Surgeon

Total hip replacements have improved the quality of life for millions of people worldwide by relieving pain, restoring function, and improving motion previously effected by arthritis and other joint conditions. People with successful hip replacements are able to stand, walk, rest, and participate in recreational activities with little pain. While some people would be satisfied if they achieve these basic goals, others will expect to do more like participating in physically demanding sports and hobbies.

If you are considering hip replacement surgery, you should have an open, honest discussion with your surgeon about setting expectations for pain relief and function after surgery. You can learn about what to expect from the early recovery phase through the final result.

Based on your unique medical history and your physical and mental condition prior to surgery, your surgeon will also have expectations about your level of function after surgery. Setting high expectations that are unrealistic can lead to dissatisfaction with the final result. Setting expectations too low may not allow you to achieve the best possible function and result after surgery. Your expectations and your surgeon’s expectations should be aligned so that you can achieve the highest level of satisfaction with your procedure.

Surgeons aim to guide expectations for recovery through discussions with their patients so that there is agreement on the goals of surgery. In one of our studies, we observed that recovery expectations were not aligned in at least 50% of patients undergoing elective joint replacement surgery. The take-home message is that it is paramount to discuss the expectations for pain relief and function with your surgeon before undergoing a total hip replacement to make sure you’re both on the same page.