
Testimonials, Videos, Podcasts and more.

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Hip Replacement Surgery – Posterior Approach

This video shows a hip replacement surgery where the surgeon uses the mini-posterior approach – accessing the joint from the back of the hip. You will see what takes place before, during and after surgery.

Warning: This video is of an actual surgery shot in an operating room and contains graphic images of blood, tissue and bone. If you prefer to read the article about hip replacement surgery, click here. Learn more about age restricted videos

Hip Posterior Video

Hip Replacement Surgery – Anterior Approach

This video shows a hip replacement surgery where the surgeon uses the mini-posterior approach – accessing the joint from the back of the hip. You will see what takes place before, during and after surgery.
Warning: This video is of an actual surgery shot in an operating room and contains graphic images of blood, tissue and bone. If you prefer to read the article about hip replacement surgery, click here. Learn more about age restricted videos.

Warning: This video is of an actual surgery shot in an operating room and contains graphic images of blood, tissue and bone. If you prefer to read the article about hip replacement surgery, click here. Learn more about age restricted videos

Hip Anterior Video

What is my Hip Replacement Made of?

Learn about the materials used in total hip replacements.

Watch this clear explanation of what materials are used in a total hip replacement. You’ll learn about the individual components, the materials they are made of and how they work. Narrated by Brett R. Levine, MD, an AAHKS surgeon member.

Read this article for even more information about the materials used in your hip replacement.

What is my hip replacement made of.