
Testimonials, Videos, Podcasts and more.

AAHKS Border Divider
AAHKS Border Divider


Airport Security with a Metal Implant: One Thing to Know

If you’ve had a hip or knee replaced, you are probably worried about going through airport security. We’ll show you the one thing to do.

Having a hip or knee implant is common, and TSA agents know exactly what to do to be sure you can get screened quickly and easily so you can be on your way.

Metal Allergy

We will discuss the topic of metal sensitivity and joint replacement during our conversation of metal allergy and hypersensitivity. We will cover diagnosing the problem explain common signs of symptoms as well as talk about management and treatment.

Operation Walk

An overview of Operation Walk –an international humanitarian organization which was founded by Dr. Lawrence Dorr in 1996. This organization provides high quality hip and knee replacement surgery free of charge to those in need.

Robotic & Computer-Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery

During this video we will discuss what is computer computer-assisted surgery what are the different types of computer assisted surgery, how do they work and what does this mean for you as the patient. Computers have been used in surgery for the past 20 years.